Small Shops Mighty Sale is a collaborative sale. What does that mean? 50+ small shops join together to participate in a 24 hour sale hosted on the @smallshopsmightysale instagram page. Every shop uses the universal coupon code that grants access to each of the shops involved. Shops are responsible for promoting the SSMS page and our success is greatly determined by this involvement.
Why? The small shop community has a history of banding together for support. We are taking this natural phenomenon and positioning it to benefit a large number of shops. We hope every shop benefits from sales and exposure with a low barrier entrance fee. By joining together and sharing we have the ability to reach over 1 million customers. Alone we are small shops but together we are one mighty sale.
How do pick shops? There is an application process that opens up prior to the event. When looking at candidates, we look for professionalism and social presence. Other factors we include are a history of supporting and sharing & supporting small shops and uniqueness of product. Though social presence is helpful, it's not the most important factor. If you have an amazing product & a history of supporting your fellow maker, please apply!
When do these sales occur? We have intentions of running quarterly sales. The back end work of these sales is time consuming and in order to run an efficient event we need to make sure we have time to dedicate to the administration of the sale. We hope to have Holiday, Valentines, Mothers Day and Back to School sales yearly.